Passing Pari-daiza
Alia Hamaoui
Exploring how spatial confinement creates room for spiritual and psychological journeying, Passing Pari-daiza unpicks Alia Hamaoui’s hybrid visual language to juxtapose two distinct arenas; the car voyage and the Islamic Paradise Garden. Through visual research, archival documents and AI generated imagery, Hamaoui maps these enclosures to consider their shared state of limbo and perceived limitlessness.
Contributing texts from Aga Khan professor Nasser Rabbat and reinterpretations of John Urry’s writings on weightless travel offer a sociological, historical and architectural perspective, underpinned by an expanded rumination on Hamaoui’s practice from curator Róisín Tapponi.
Artist: Alia Hamaoui
Page Count: 144 p.p.
Size: 160 x 240mm
Print Method: Offset Litho on Coated and Uncoated Paper
Cover: Offset Litho and Gloss Lamination with Cover Band on Leather Embossed Paper
Bind Method: Section Sewn
ISBN: 978-1-7392095-3-7
Edition: 350
Published: 1st Edition June 2023